
This Terraform Module creates a PAN-OS bootstrap package in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.


This Terraform Module creates a PAN-OS bootstrap package in a Google Cloud Storage bucket to be used for bootstrapping Palo Alto Networks VM-Series virtual firewall instances. A bootstrap package must include an init-cfg.txt file that provides the basic configuration details to configure the VM-Series instance and register it with its Panorama management console. This file will be generated by this module using the variables provided.

The bootstrap package may optionally include a PAN-OS software image, application and threat signature updates, VM-Series plug-ins, and/or license files.

Directory and file structure

The root directory of the Terraform plan calling this module should include a files directory containing a subdirectory structure similar to the one below.

├── config
├── content
├── license
├── plugins
└── software


# main.tf

provider "google" {
  credentials = file("account.json")
  project     = var.bootstrap_project
  region      = var.bootstrap_region

module "panos-bootstrap" {
  source  = "PaloAltoNetworks/panos-bootstrap/google"
  version = "1.0.0"

  bootstrap_project     = var.bootstrap_project
  bootstrap_region      = var.bootstrap_region

  hostname         = "my-firewall"
  panorama-server  = "panorama1.example.org"
  panorama-server2 = "panorama2.example.org"
  tplname          = "My Firewall Template"
  dgname           = "My Firewalls"
  vm-auth-key      = "supersecretauthkey"


  1. Define a main.tf file that calls the module and provides any required and optional variables.
  2. Define a variables.tf file that declares the variables that will be utilized.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Define an output.tf file to capture and display the module return values.
  4. Create the directories files/config, files/software, files/content, files/license, and files/plugins.
  5. (OPTIONAL) Add software images, content updates, plugins, and license files to their respective subdirectories.
  6. (OPTIONAL) Define a terraform.tfvars file containing the required variables and associated values.
  7. Initialize the providers and modules with the terraform init command.
  8. Validate the plan using the terraform plan command.
  9. Apply the plan using the terraform apply command.


The module output will provide values for the bootstrap_name and bootstrap_url, and share_name. The bootstrap_name value can then be used in a google_compute_instance resource to instantiate a VM-Series instance. It is used in the metadata{vmseries-bootstrap-gce-storagebucket} parameter.

resource "google_compute_instance" "firewall" {
    name                        = var.fw_name
    zone                        = var.fw_zone
    machine_type                = var.fw_machine_type
    min_cpu_platform            = var.fw_machine_cpu
    can_ip_forward              = true
    allow_stopping_for_update   = true
    count                       = 1

    boot_disk {
        initialize_params {
            image               = var.fw_image

    metadata = {
        vmseries-bootstrap-gce-storagebucket = module.panos-bootstrap.bootstrap_name
        serial-port-enable      = true
        block-project-ssh-keys  = true
        ssh-keys                = var.fw_ssh_key

    service_account {
        scopes = ["cloud-platform"]

    network_interface {
        subnetwork              = var.fw_mgmt_subnet
        network_ip              = var.fw_mgmt_ip
        access_config {
            // Needed to get a public IP address

    network_interface {
        subnetwork              = var.fw_untrust_subnet
        network_ip              = var.fw_untrust_ip
        access_config {
            // Needed to get a public IP address

    network_interface {
        subnetwork              = var.fw_web_subnet
        network_ip              = var.fw_web_ip

    network_interface {
        subnetwork              = var.fw_db_subnet
        network_ip              = var.fw_db_ip


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