
Prisma Cloud Compute API management of compute collections.

Prisma Cloud Compute API Collections

Prisma Cloud Compute API management of compute collections.

This script is meant for creating, updating and deleting collections on Prisma Cloud Compute.


  1. Prisma Cloud Enterprise or self-hosted version


  • Creating a single collection

    $ python3 manageCollection.py --collection-name $COLLECTION_NAME --username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --images $IMAGE_1 $IMAGE_2 ... $IMAGE_N --hosts $HOST_1 $HOST_2 ... $HOST_N --labels $LABEL_1 $LABEL_2 ... $LABEL_N --containers $CONTAINER_1 $CONTAINER_2 ... $CONTAINER_N --functions $FUNCTION_1 $FUNCTION_2 ... $FUNCTION_N --namespaces $NAMESPACE_1 $NAMESPACE_2 ... $NAMESPACE_N --app-ids $APPID_1 $APPID_2 ... $APPID_N --account-ids $ACCOUNT_1 $ACCOUNT_2 ... $ACCOUNT_N --code-repos $REPO_1 $REPO_2 ... $REPO_N --clusters $CLUSTER_1 $CLUSTER_2 ... $CLUSTER_N --color "#000000" --overwrite --skip-tls-verify

  • Creating a single collection using a JSON file

    $ python3 manageCollection.py --username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --file $FILENAME --overwrite --skip-tls-verify

  • Creating multiple collections using a directory path with JSON files

    $ python3 manageCollection.py --username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --path $PATH --overwrite --skip-tls-verify

  • Deleting a single collection

    $ python3 manageCollection.py --collection-name $COLLECTION_NAME --username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --delete --skip-tls-verify

  • Deleting multiple collections

    $ python3 manageCollection.py--username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --delete-list $COLLECTION_1 $COLLECTION_2 ... $COLLECTION_N --skip-tls-verify


  • --collection-name (optional): Name of the collection to be created, updated or deleted.
  • --username (required): Name of the user to be used. For Prisma Cloud SaaS version, this would be the value of the Access Key ID if you are using access keys.
  • --password (required): Password of the user to be used. For Prisma Cloud SaaS version, this would be the value of the Secret Key if you are using access keys.
  • --compute-api-endpoint (required): API endpoint of the Prisma Cloud Compute console. For SaaS version, you can find this in the Compute console under Manage > System > Utilities.
  • --images (optional): Images to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --hosts (optional): Hosts to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --labels (optional): Labels to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --containers (optional): Containers to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --functions (optional): Functions to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --app-ids (optional): App IDs to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --account-ids (optional): Account IDs to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --code-repos (optional): Code repositories to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --clusters (optional): Clusters to be scoped by the collection. If not set it will use the wildcard value of [*].
  • --color (optional): Color to be used by the collection on the Web UI. This must be an hexadecimal value. By default it's value is #000000 which represents the color black.
  • --overwrite (optional): Overwrites an existing collection. If set and the collection does not exists, then will create a new collection. If set and the collection exists, the collection will be updated. If not set and the collection exists on prisma, the script will fail.
  • --delete (optional): Delete an existing collection.
  • --delete-list (optional): Delete multiple existing collections.
  • --file (optional): Create a collection using a JSON file.
  • --path (optional): Create multiple collections using a directory path that contains JSON files.
  • --skip-tls-verify (optional): Skip TLS verification of the Compute API Endpoint.

Environment variables

Instead of explicitly input the values of some parameters in the script, you can substitute them by using environment variables. Those variables are:

Variable Parameter substituted
COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --compute-api-endpoint
SKIP_VERIFY --skip-tls-verify

You can either use it as an OS environment variable or write a .env file with this variables included, but if the parameter is input while running the script, this will override the environment variable.

The value of SKIP_VERIFY must be 0 or 1.

JSON file format

The format to be used for creating collections using files is as follows:

    "name": "string",
    "images": ["*"],
    "hosts": ["*"],
    "labels": ["*"],
    "containers": ["*"],
    "functions": ["*"],
    "namespaces": ["*"],
    "appIDs": ["*"],
    "accountIDs": ["*"],
    "codeRepos": ["*"],
    "clusters": ["*"], 
    "color": "#000000"

This format must be used as well when you are creating multiple collections from a directory.

The value of ["*"] means it will take any possible value. You can see a sample in samples/sample.json

Least privilege permissions

Prisma Cloud SaaS version

In order to grant the least privileges to a user or service account in the SaaS version of Prisma Cloud, you must create a Permissions Group with View and Update for the Collections and Tags permission. While you are creating a Permissions Group, the Cloud Account Policy permission can be found under Assing Permissions > Compute > Manage as in the following image:

Least Privileges Permissions Group - Prisma Cloud SaaS version

Once created this permissions group, you must create a role and then the belonging user or service account.


  • You must assing an account group to the role. Be sure to add the account groups of the accounts you need to modify.
  • Is recommended to use a service account and access key.

Prisma Cloud self-hosted version

In order to grant the least privileges to a user in the self-hosted version of Prisma Cloud, you must create a role with Read and Write for the Cloud Account Policy permission and no access to the Console IU. While you are creating a Role, the Collections and Tags permission can be found under the Manage tab as in the following image:

Least Privileges Role - Prisma Cloud self-hosted version

Once created this role, you must create the belonging user.

Install dependencies

Install requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

It's recommended to use a virtual environment.


  • This script was tested in Python 3.10 and pip version 22.3.1.

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