
Scripts to run async RQL queries

Scripts for starting RQL jobs



pip3 install -r requirements.txt


The script has 2 main use cases that use different command line arguments. Single RQL and multi RQL from csv file

Single RQL with relative time in hours. Format: -time <time_in_hours>

python3 async.py -rql "config from iam where cloud.account != 'hats'" -name my_search -time 24

Single RQL with absolute time in epoch time. Format: -time_range "<start_time_epoch>,<end_time_epoch>"

python3 async.py -rql "config from iam where cloud.account != 'hats'" -name my_search -time_range "166187406700,1662046867000"

Multi RQL from file

python3 async.py rql_file <path_to_file>
python3 async.py rql_file input/my_rqls.csv
python3 async.py rql_file rqls.csv

CSV file format:

An example RQL CSV is included. Named "rqls.csv"

  • Relative Time
    "\",<name_of_search>,relative,<time_in_hours> EX:
    "config from iam where cloud.account != 'hats'",my_search,relative,24
  • Absolute Time
    "\",<name_of_search>,absolute,"\<start_time_epoch>,\<end_time_epoch>" EX:
    "config from iam where cloud.account != 'shirts'",my_search2,absolute,"166187406700,1662046867000"


Requirements for Bash



brew install jq

The shell script execs jq commands so ensure jq program is included in the path of the user running the script.

Setup for Bash

Configure in the script: SERVER_IP= CUSTOMER="" USER="" PASSWORD=""

Running the Bash script

bash async.sh

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